Too hasty

As is one of my faults, I was once again a little too hasty:

Having removed off all the grime from the playfield I noticed that there were two particular parts on the playfield where the ball had created small grooves in the playfield which appered to be dirty. So I thought I’d clean them up with my Dremel equivalent and the “Polishing Kit Attachment Set”.

Having never done this before I was surpised how easy it was to “burn through” the “diamond plating” and the graphic right down to the bare wood of the playfield:

Cleaning the playfield down to the wood - brilliant!

Cleaning the playfield down to the wood - brilliant!

So after this warning shot, I thought I now understood how to handle the Dremel – light pressure and constant movement. So I tried this on another spot on the playfield. It was certainly better, but I still managed to remove the diamond plate of the playfield!

More damage from the Dremel

More damage from the Dremel

After this disaster, I though I’d try something easier, so I turned my attention to the edges of the Mylar. I had already decided that I wasn’t going to remove the Mylar, but I did want to clean it up, as some grime had already forced itself under the edges of the Mylar causing ugly dirt streaks in the playfield:

Dirt under the edges of the Mylar causing ugly streaks

Dirt under the edges of the Mylar causing ugly streaks

To clean this, I used some Isopropyl Alcohol and a cotton bud and gently rubbed the edge of the Mylar. Capillary action made the alcohol seep under the Mylar where the dirt was and actually drew it out:

Dirt removed from under the Mylar using isopropyl alcohol

Dirt removed from under the Mylar using isopropyl alcohol

Although the adhesive under the Mylar where the dirt had been was long gone (resulting in slightly lifted edges) I decided to leave the edges as they were. This will surely be a dirt trap for the future, but I can easily clean the grime out again at a later date. And if this gets too much, I could simply glue the edge down with Superglue. But not just yet (just in case I decide one day to actually remove the Mylar).

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