Re-chroming the ramps
I got a good deal on re-chroming the ramps and so gave up my ramps to be re-done to a local firm. When I got them back however, the left ramp was a disaster! The surface was all rough and there were many sharp edges on the metal rail which would definitely scratch up pinballs if they were to roll on it! The right ramp was OK though (it actually looked quite good and only had a small bit of uneven texture and a sharp edge which I was able to scratch away with my finger nail).
The problem with the left ramp was, apparently, the condition of the underlying steel, which was rusting and pitted. So I agreed with the firm that they would remove all the plating, give me the rail to be sanded down, me to then return the ramp for them to apply the necessary coatings up to the copper coating, which I would then get back from them to sand down againĀ and then return it to the company for chroming:
Considering how the ramp came back after the first time, this is a real improvement!