Some of the full-body Mylar pinged up tody:

Not-so-clear Mylar coming off from the playfield
Incidentally, if you look carefully at the playfield, you can see that someone has taken a knife to the Mylar in the past to remove patches of it. Disgusting!
On removing the centre ramp, it turns out that the red cover is a metal cover pop-riveted to the plastic ramp and covered in red carpet tape. Nice!

Centre Ramp with red metal cover
Removing the metal cover revealed the broken piece of plastic:

Broken piece of plastic - the reason for the repair
At least I now have the basis to repair the ramp properly (as NOS or repro middle ramps are very hard to come by and when they do appear are (thus) extremely expensive).
Finally for today, the left Mothership plastic, with the upper support lug missing and the bottom part repaired with a metal sheet (pop-riveted on and painted):

Mothership plastic left-side "repaired" (sic)